The roof truss have arrived. It is unbelievable that the driver actually got into our driveway. What skillful drivers they have. It's amazing to watch.

The structure is just waiting for a roof! Everything is in place and the roof truss are ready to be put in to position. Can't wait to see how fast this happens.

One minute the first roof truss is being positioned and then the next time I looked out the guys were almost done. I hope this project goes as smoothly as the roof.

The plywood was delivered and has been put in place on the roof truss. Now we can see the full effect of this storage space. It is coming together nicely. Renovations, roof truss and plywood

Shingles are done and we are ready to get this building weather sealed. It is so exciting to see the project coming together. This is the beginning of a new beginning for Under the Stump, and expansion for continued success.
